Maikop/Agency Caucasus – Adygean Parliament’s Speaker Ruslan Hacebiyekov is set to appear as a member of the Duma, or lower chamber of the Russian parliament.
The group members of the United Russia, the party that emerged triumphant in the December 2 elections, decided that Havebiyekov be sent to the Duma. Hacebiyekov quit his position as the speaker of Adygean Parliament after he thought it would be a good move to appear in the Duma, said the Group Head Aleksandr Luzin. It is now left to Russia’s High Commission on Election to have the final say.
There people appeared from Adygea in the December 2 elections as the United Russia contesters: President Aslan Thakushinov, Hacebiyekov, assistant Adygean representative to the Russian Federation Valeri Poleva.
The 12 March 2006 elections in Adygea gave Hacebiyekov the chance to enroll as the speaker in Adeygea’s Parliament, Khase.
Hacebiyekov was born in