Sukhum/Agency Caucasus – As the presidential elections in Abkhazia approach, one of the leading political movements of the country, called ‘The United Abkhazia,’ takes action to become a political party.
As many as 500 members of the movement are expected to convene on January 27 in Sukhum for a congress as part of a march towards turning itself into a political party, Secretary-General of the United Abkhazia Nugzar Agrba said.
The statutes of the party, its programme and emblem will be agreed on during the congress. A leader, an aide to the leader, a council for the party and a council of examination will be selected as well.
"A new ear has just begun," said Agrba. "We seek ways to actively participate in the national work of reconstruction–a point which we consider vital if we want to be beneficial to our society. What we look for is the kind of political mentality that regards social benefits far more important than personal gains. [By turning our movement into a political party,] those who already have a senior position in the movement will have much more to do."
The new party would try its best for the protection of civil rights and freedoms, for the improved integration of civil power with that of the state apparatus, for the re-arrangement of joint national objectives and for the construction of a powerful state administration that worked hard for its people, Agrba said.