Most asylum seekers come to Belgium from Chechnya

Brussels/Agency Caucasus – Though left ignored for a long time, the fact of Chechen refugees in Europe is gradually getting higher to the surface with the recently increasing areas of land that the Schengen agreement covers.

The number of Chechens who sought asylum among others in Belgium is noticeably high. A similar increase was apparent in the number of Chechens as well who sought official permission at the airport of Charles de Gaulle in Paris, capital city of France.

Also, a Belgium administration research put Chechens on top of the list of foreigners who sought a way for asylum in the country. The Chechens make up 13 percent of the entire number of asylum seekers who applied to Belgium. The other three nations whose people follow in the footsteps of Chechens when they also seek asylum in Belgium are Serbia, Iraq and Afghanistan. ÖZ/FT