Georgian Prime Minister gets dismissed from post

Tbilisi/Agency Caucasus – President Mikhail Saakashvili of dismissed Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli from his post before the next early elections are held in less than two months.

Noghaideli was a target for heavy criticism for his failure both to carry out educational reforms and to prevent corruption. Noghaideli was replaced by Lado Gurcenidze. 

Gurcenidze, 36, married to an American, lived abroad for 14 years and graduated from an American university. He won fame as a successful business manager after he promoted the private Georgian Bank to the best third position on the list of other Georgian banks. He is, however, not as experienced in politics. He once said that he would be doing his best to help develop.


State of Siege was lifted, but…


President Saakashvili ended days of state of siege today at 7 pm. While the television channel stations returned to their normal course of broadcasting after they had to cancel news bulletins, Imedi, the voice for the opposition, is still not allowed to be on air. The opposition leaders said that there would be no free elections as long as Imedi was not allowed to be on air. (Agency Caucasus )