Maikop/Agency Caucasus – The Muslims of the Neshukai village, part of the Adygean
, will be able to practice their faith in a new mosque with a full capacity of up to 40 worshippers.
Yemij Nurbii, the Adygean Mufti for
“We cannot appoint imams to villages for some unfortunate reasons. The villagers have to pick up someone from among themselves and train him to be an imam. Neshukai is one of the best villages in terms of its emphasis on training. Some famous artists, writers, scientists, doctors and lawyers all come from this village. For that reason, it should not be a problem for them to train someone as an imam.”
Yeminij further said that the financial support in construction of the mosque came from six villagers as well as from Hazret Bliagoz, who died in a traffic accident in spring last year.
Bliagoz was trying to have post offices and pharmacies in his own village while he was alive.