Tshinval/Agency Caucasus – The administration of South Ossetia not only turns its nose up to Georgia’s promises of peaceful solution but also accuses it of resorting to terrorism.
"Behind all terrorist activities that hit South Ossetia is the Georgian intelligence," said Eduard Kokoiti, President of South Ossetia, when he remarked on an attack in Tshinval, capital of South Ossetia, on March 27 on the vehicle of the chief public prosecutor, which left one dead.
The government of South Ossetia has managed to identify those who have been involved in recent attacks, said Kokoiti: "The recent incidents in South Ossetia are the links of the same chain. It is not unknown to anybody anymore that the Georgian intelligence is behind all those terrorist attacks. We know exactly who is organizing them. Those who carried out some terrorist activities in South Ossetia were arrested today. They are still under police investigation. All that is left to do is carry out the legal procedure. The murderer of Security Secretary Oleg Alborov was arrested. The person who ordered that Alborov must be murdered was also murdered. The details of blasts in Cavski and in the passport-visa office of South Ossetia are known. All those who carried out these activities were arrested and being questioned. Even behind these activities is the Georgian intelligence."
"The intelligence service of South Ossetia has concrete information," said Kokoiti, and added that this information would be shared with Western diplomats in Georgia. "The Georgian politicians have got no political-legal grounds for dialogue, and they have chosen a new way of solving the conflict between Georgia and Ossetia, which is namely the state terrorism."
"This is, of course, a dangerous way; it is a cul-de-sac. We ask the Georgian administration to think twice. We ask Georgia to give hearing to our peaceful initiative to solve the conflict. The situation is really not normal. Georgia should not expect that all problems facing it will be settled once it joins the NATO. This will not happen! Both Abkhazia and South Ossetia have set themselves their own paths. We will gain international recognition of state independence. I acknowledge that it is difficult for the Ossetians to bear today; however, we should pass the test, because the struggle for independence will lead to a logical end, which is the embodiment of an independent South Ossetian Republic. AHZY/ÖZ/FT