Attempts fail to keep Beslan school building the same for now

Beslan/AgencyCaucasus– The Voice of Beslan, a grassroots non-governmental organization created in the aftermath of the 2004 North Ossetian Beslan school hostage crisis, made a new attempt to keep the School #1 as it is until the official investigation comes to a close.

The organization voiced its demand that a transparent cover should be installed on top of the school building so that it will not be knocked down by heavy rain.

A group of 30 representatives of the organization were thwarted in their attempts to speak to President Taymuraz Mamsurov ofNorth Ossetiaabout their demand. They had to disperse after they were kept outside for hours and not let into the government’s building. Ella Kesayeva, who is chairing the organization, said that the scene of crime should remain the same until the official investigation comes to a close—a point that prompted them to call on the administration to take action and do something before the heavy rains begin as the winter approaches.


Although the organization conveyed its demand three months ago in written form to the president, they were not responded.